Sunday, September 7, 2008

J#: Java on .NET (part II)

I have created a video on the demonstration I did during the presentation on how you can easily create a J# application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Shown below is the video uploaded on YouTube.

A better version which is more clearly visible is found here. In here I have focused on several key areas:
  1. How to create a simple Hello World application
    1. Creating the application
    2. Compiling/Running program
    3. Using Java as well as .NET code
  2. Visual Studio Features
    1. Intellisense
    2. Debugging
    3. Object Browser
    4. Code Completion
    5. Code Snippets
  3. The Calculator Starter Kit
    1. Creating the application
    2. Using the code
I also discussed many other alternatives that can be used to utilize Java code in .NET applications, which I will be discussing in my third and last post on this topic.

To be continued...

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